Business Management Visa, a work visa specially set up for the outstanding person to operate or manage a Japan registered company.
Engineer ‧ Specialist in Humanities ‧ International Services visa is applicable to a wide range of industries, such as mechanical engineers, interpreters, designers, language teachers in private companies.
Unless otherwise indicated, the Japan Intra-Company Transferee (企業内転勤) visa stated in this quotation is for applicants who are currently working for a public or private organization's foreign office and will be transferred to its head office, branch office, or other office in Japan on a time-limited basis. The activities can be engaged in are limited to be equivalent to the status of residence as "Engineer/ Specialist in Humanities/ International Services".
Highly-skilled Professional Visa (高度専門職ビザ in Japanese) is a residence status designed for highly-skilled foreign professionals who are expected to contribute to Japan’s economic growth. In order to attract highly-skilled foreign professionals, Japanese government introduced a points-based system.
Regarding to a program to increase foreign entrepreneurs in Tokyo, 6-month Business Management Visa (“Business Start-up Visa”) is launched for foreigners who are planning to start a business in Tokyo.
Dependent (Family Stay) Visa ("家族滞在ビザ" in Japanese) can be applied by an individual who is the spouse or child of (and financially dependent on) a foreign national residing in Japan with specific visa categories.